Everything is going great!
May 18, 2010
Let's confirm...as if there is a question!
May 23, 2010
It was Monday morning and I called my family doctor right when they opened to get an appointment. We needed official confirmation! They were able to get me in later that afternoon. So I went to the doctor and they confirmed it...PREGNANT! As if I was unsure...after 3 tests!! They didn't do much except for a few blood tests, figured out that I was 5 weeks and estimated my due date...
JANUARY 23, 2011!!
Throughout the week we made our phone calls and told everyone. It was early, but we couldn't wait! And who can keep a secret like this!? It's such a blessing!!
5 weeks belly...of course you couldn't tell anything. Oh the changes to come... :)
8 Week Appointment
June 14, 2010
Our first appointment at Womack, the hospital on post. I wanted to go off post for my pregnancy but was first approved for Womack, so that is where we will go for now. We were excited about my appointment but nothing happened but paperwork. Boo. Just lots of paperwork and health questions. So that was pretty boring. But they were questioning how far along I was...thinking I was farther along than 8 weeks. So the nurse put in a request for me to get an ultrasound "asap" so that we could know for sure. I needed to call the next day to get my appointment. In the mean time, she set up my next appointment (12 week, second trimester) for July 13th.
I called the next day to get my "asap" appointment scheduled. July 9th!?!? That's ASAP to you!??!? That's 4 days before my 2nd trimester appointment! Annoyed and irritated, I made the appointment. Good thing it's not important!!! Ugh...
June 18, 2010
I started to have a little bleeding the night before and it was still there in the morning when I woke up. Scared, I called the vice nurse at the hospital. She told me to come in right away. So in Adam and I went.
I had some more blood tests done and then I saw the doctor. He did an ultrasound. And there it was....our little peanut!! Then the doctor turned on the sound....THE HEARTBEAT!! What an amazing sound!!! And such a relief!! I cried a little and Adam smiled and gave me a high five! It was real...there was our baby!!! Simply amazing...
He did say something interesting...I have an extra sac in there...he said it might have been prepared for another baby but nothing ever formed. You can see it in the ultrasound, to the right of the baby. Twins...could you have imagined?!
Let's take a dip on vacation in AZ!
June 27, 2010
Whew...welcome 2nd trimester!!
July 13, 2010
Off to our 12 week, 2nd trimester appointment. We were hoping to get to see our baby again and hear the heartbeat. No ultrasound, but we did get to hear that amazing sound of the heartbeat again! As the nurse was trying to find the heartbeat, she was moving it around my stomach quite a lot. Finally she was able to get the sound long enough to tell it was 160 bpm. Then she told us that our little baby was quite a squirmer! She said as she was trying to find the heartbeat, the baby was moving away from the device on my stomach. As soon as she's find it, it would move! It was moving all around! She said at least we know the baby can hear...it was trying to get away from the sound! Unbelievable!
Pic before heading to the doctor...
Our next appointment is for July 27th for an ultrasound. YIPPEE!!
July 12,2010... I'm starting to look like I'm a little chunky...not pregnant!
July 15, 2010.....starting to pop!
Week 13!
July 19, 2010.....the bump! Looking more like a baby is in there!