Still growing great and Baby M is moving around like crazy every day! Very active baby already!

Thursday, September 30, 2010
Friday, September 24, 2010
Monday, September 20, 2010
21 weeks!
Friday, September 17, 2010
He's a mover!
This week is the first week that I can really feel our baby move around! He is quite active in there! It started on Tuesday and he moved around ALL DAY! Even at work yesterday I could feel him wiggling around in there. And then after I ate lunch, he flat out kicked me! It was so cool! I love feeling him move around. I can't wait until Adam can feel him too! LOVE IT!!!
(He's moving around right now.... :) )
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Pregnant Besties!
When my mom was in town, we headed up to Raleigh to have dinner and hang out with Erin. We have been friends since 8th grade and she was a bridesmaid in my wedding. Now, we live an hour and a half away from each other, across the country from where we grew up and are 6 weeks apart in our pregnancies! HOW COOL IS THAT?!?!
We got together, did some shopping, ate and discussed babies. It was a great time!
Erin is due December 14th and is having a girl. I am due January 23rd and having a boy.

We got together, did some shopping, ate and discussed babies. It was a great time!
Erin is due December 14th and is having a girl. I am due January 23rd and having a boy.
Mom is here!
My mom came to visit from the 8th to the 15th. YAY!

We did TONS of baby shopping! This kid is going to be so spoiled. :)
We got me some maternity clothes, got the baby LOTS of clothes, got some things for the nursery, she helped us register for baby stuff, we made invitations for my baby shower, ate Coldstone (3 times, yum!), hung out and had a great time!
Going out to dinner...
This is both of their favorite places...they would eat this for all meals if they could! Can't you tell by their faces...and the size of their ice creams!!?!?

We did TONS of baby shopping! This kid is going to be so spoiled. :)
We got me some maternity clothes, got the baby LOTS of clothes, got some things for the nursery, she helped us register for baby stuff, we made invitations for my baby shower, ate Coldstone (3 times, yum!), hung out and had a great time!
Going out to dinner...
Coldstone time!...
Friday, September 10, 2010
Half way there...20 weeks!
Moving right along...we are at 20 weeks already! Half way there!
I had to purchase my first maternity clothes. I was tired of squeezing into my clothes, having to use a rubber band to "button" them together and being uncomfortable.
Why didn't I get maternity clothes so much sooner?!?! I am SO much more comfortable! I am actually excited to get dressed now! Thank goodness for elastic belly bands on jeans!!
20 week pics...

I had to purchase my first maternity clothes. I was tired of squeezing into my clothes, having to use a rubber band to "button" them together and being uncomfortable.
Why didn't I get maternity clothes so much sooner?!?! I am SO much more comfortable! I am actually excited to get dressed now! Thank goodness for elastic belly bands on jeans!!
20 week pics...
Friday, September 3, 2010
Boy? Girl? We are having....
We had our anatomy and gender ultrasound last night......
We are having an adorable, healthy baby...
Adam was wearing his Colts shirt when we went to the appointment, so the tech and him started talking about Peyton Manning...Adam's favorite. So when she told us what we were having (about 15 seconds into the ultrasound) she told us we were having a little Peyton. Adam's face lit could see his excitement!
Here's some pics of our little guy:
This is a few of his face front on (tilt your head to the right to see him better)....
This one is his face. He was opening and closing his mouth, so the tech snapped a picture. Here his mouth is open...
Here is his whole body and you can see his spine...
We are having an adorable, healthy baby...
He looks perfect! All his organs are great, his measurements are great and moving around like crazy! I can't feel too much movement yet...just some flutters here and there, mostly when I lay on my stomach, but in the ultrasound we could see him rocking back and forth and moving around a lot! He was also opening and closing his mouth. ADORABLE!
Adam was wearing his Colts shirt when we went to the appointment, so the tech and him started talking about Peyton Manning...Adam's favorite. So when she told us what we were having (about 15 seconds into the ultrasound) she told us we were having a little Peyton. Adam's face lit could see his excitement!
Here's some pics of our little guy:
This is a few of his face front on (tilt your head to the right to see him better)....

This one is his face. He was opening and closing his mouth, so the tech snapped a picture. Here his mouth is open...

We get to go back and see our little boy in a few weeks for another ultrasound! YIPPEE!!
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
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