Sunday, October 31, 2010
Adam's first kick!
Last night we were sitting on the couch and the baby's head or butt pressed up against my belly where it got really hard. So I had Adam feel that and he thought that was really cool. I told him just wait until he feels him move, that's cool! Then today, he was kicking away so I had Adam come over and put his hand on my belly. Sure enough, he started kicking away! Adam thought it was amazing! I am so glad he got to feel his little man move around in there....we wonder what he is doing in there!! :)
Just before we were going to head out to our normal breakfast spot, IHOP, Adam decided to check his Army email since he had been gone all month. And what a surprise that was....
Right then and there we found out that he is on orders for Colorado!
The past few months, Adam has been hoping and trying to get out of the division he is currently in. We had heard that we might be going to Ft. Campbell, KY. So we were more mentally prepared to move there and had no real thought that it would actually happen. So when we saw Ft. Carson in Colorado, we were in complete shock! Thrilled, but in shock!
His report date is February 10th, meaning that is the day he has to check in at Ft. Carson. That is shortly after we are due to have the baby! So we are planning to make the trip across country to Colorado at Christmas time.
Talk about stress! We have to rent out house, find a house to rent, pack and move all within the next 7 weeks. And I am mucho preggo! So this should be interesting.
We are going out to Colorado to look at houses November 19th, so I hope we have luck and find one! That's most important....a place to live!
It's all very exciting but at a crazy time!!
Off to Colorado we go!! :)
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Adam is home! Adam is home! Adam is home!
It was just in time for his family to come visit from Virgina. His mom, her best friend, his brother and his wife came down with their 3 kids to spend the day with us. They ended up helping us put together out baby furniture, which was a HUGE help!
Monday, October 25, 2010
NC State Fair
Me and Victoria....
State Fair (27 weeks)...
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Trip to Arizona
Here are a few other pics from the trip!
My mom helped Tom's sister make me a quilt, blanket and pillow for the baby. Amazing!
Me and my mama....
Me and my bro.....
My grandma is VERY excited about Baby Montgomery!!
Friday, October 22, 2010
Baby Shower Time - Phoenix!
So, the theme of the Baby's room is Turtles. So my mom wanted to do a turtle theme for the baby shower as well. She ordered turtle cookies from AJ's and just days before the shower they called to tell her that they didn't have a turtle cookie cutter. So we cancelled the order and thought we could just do them ourselves! How hard could it be? She already had a turtle cut out, so we just had to make the cookies and icing and frost them! Right!?
WRONG! Apparently we did not have the baking skills to make sure the turtles stayed as turtles once they were baked. They came out more like blobs!
Cookie cutter vs. how the cookie came out....
Turtle? I think not! We were very bummed. We tried everything! Re-rolling dough, chilling dough, nothing kept it as a turtle. So we gave up. Next we figured we would just make thick circles and decorate them blue and green. How hard could THAT be?? Well, apparently hard....our cookies came out flat as a board!
Our stack of flat, blob like cookies....
In the mean time, AJ's called and said they found a turtle cookie cut out and had made our cookies! We thought, YAY! So my mom went to pick them up....
Turtles? More like long neck dinosaurs!! And pink!?!? It's a boy!!
So we ended up eating the pink ones, scraping off the pink frosting off of the blue and painting some green icing on, getting plain sugar cookies from Paradise Bakery and decorating those. A lot of work for stupid cookies!!!
End result...
Here are a couple more pics from the shower. All others can be seen here:
Thursday, October 21, 2010
26 weeks!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
24 weeks!
Friday, October 1, 2010
Ultrasound ~ our favorite kind of appointment!
His face (tilt head to the left)...
His arm and hand, his fingers were kind of curled up...

It's definitely a boy...
Another pic of his face and body...

Tech said he looks perfect! Great measurements, great organs, all is good!
He is breech right now, meaning his head is up near my ribs and his butt is sitting on my bladder. They said not to worry, he still has plenty of time to turn upside down!
We already love him so much!!!