We had an ultrasound on Tuesday, July 27th. I was 14 weeks and the main purpose was so they could check my cervix and make sure everything looked good. And even better, we got to see our baby!!! Such a different picture than at 8 weeks! It wasn't a little bean anymore, it's a real baby with arms, legs, eyes, nose, lips! It was truly amazing. I could sit there and stare at our baby on the screen all day long. We got to see Baby M move back and forth and move its limbs. Again, amazing. Everything in the ultrasound looked great! Baby is measuring good so far! We have our 16 week appointment August 13th and at that appointment we will make our 18 week ultrasound appointment for 2 weeks later to find out the gender! We are so excited and so excited to see our baby again!!

its so awesome to get to see your baby. good pictures. Your 18 weeks is just around the corner!!!